Hey, look! It's a new movie that is supposed to be like "The Fast & The Furious" but in France! Let's watch it and talk about it on Reels and Wheels!
...and that's where things went downhill. Overdrive (2017) sucks. The dialogue is terrible, the plot makes no sense, and whoever wrote it clearly wasn't really a car person. But we watched it. We suffered so you wouldn't have to.
Do yourself a favor - listen to this episode of Reels and Wheels. It's way more entertaining than "Overdrive."
Subscribe. Leave great feedback. Share with your friends. You owe it to us after we sat through this one for you.
How do you bring NASCAR to a mainstream audience in movie form? Tom Cruise, I guess. I mean, it beats Stroker Ace. Days of Thunder was actually the last of an era - the last time producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson got to do a high budget action movie before the studio got too mad at them to do it again.
There is a lot to love, though - the portrayal of racing as a dangerous obsession by infantile people who grasp at an illusion of control hits right at home, especially with our guest, Andie Albin - who works for the SCCA and races herself!
What do you think about early 1990's NASCAR and the Chevy Lumina? How about Tom Cruise's character crossing the line while hitting on Nicole Kidman's Dr. Luwicki? And you wouldn't believe how many scenes in this movie are based on real events!
Follow Sid and James - @SidBridgeComedy and @S2KJames. Keep up with Andie at www.scca.com! Don't forget to subscribe to @ReelsandWheels on iTunes or Stitcher. Share it and leave feedback!