Initial D is the go-to Anime about street racing in Japan, so James and Sid once again welcome comedian Derek Williams to talk about the show. Derek is a huge Anime fan and has plenty of experience with the Initial D arcade game from his time managing an arcade!
Initial D follows the life of reluctant racing prodigy Takumi as he dazzles the local street racing community racing his "8-6" (A Toyota Corolla to Americans, the legendary Trueno in Japan) on the treacherous Akino downhill.
What's so special about the 8-6? Is the racing jargon used in Initial D real? Is Sid going to survive this episode even though he doesn't like Anime?
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Derek Williams: @Naamco003
James Rodatus: @S2KJames
Sid Bridge: @SidBridgeComedy
Reels and Wheels: @ReelsandWheels
The original Ghostbusters - most will agree it's one of the greatest movies of all time. At Reels and Wheels, we love it because of Ecto-1 - a 1959 Cadillac Miller Meteor conversion turned into the greatest ghost-hunting machine ever!
...and did we find the best guest EVER to discuss Ghostbusters with?! The conversation goes into overdrive as James and Sid welcome Chris Balassone, owner and founder of Tri-City Paranormal! He's the real deal - a paranormal researcher and part of the TAPS family (of Ghost Hunters fame).
What did Ghostbusters get right? What kind of headaches does the movie cause for real paranormal researchers? Just what are ghosts anyway? How many different angles are there to an investigation?
The conversation swings from scientific to religious to medical to automotive in one of the most interesting episodes we've ever recorded!
Subscribe to Reels and Wheels on iTunes or Stitcher and leave feedback! Find Sid @SidBridgeComedy and James @S2KJames on social media! Check out what Chris is up to at - and find Chris on FaceBook or Twitter @ChrisBalassone.