For this episode of Reels and Wheels, Sid and James are joined by legendary automotive journalist Phil Greden, AKA Murilee Martin!
Two Lane Blacktop is easily one of the greatest car movies of all time and Phil gives Sid and James quite an education on the climate of the time - 1970, the peak of the muscle car era. So what's really going on in this movie? What's everyone's theory on the strange ending? How do we place it all in historical context?
Listen to one of our most fascinating episodes yet as Phil Greden tells some excellent stories and demostrates his vast knowledge of the cars and the players. This episode is required listening for any car buff.
Want to learn more about Phil Greden? Visit! Follow Reels and Wheels on Twitter @ReelsandWheels. Listen to us here or on iTunes or Stitcher and leave feedback! Catch Sid (@sidbridgecomedy) and James (@s2kjames) all over the internet.
It was a tough to be a kid in 1986. We begged our parents, saved our money and did everything we could to buy the latest Transformers toys, only to see them mercilessly killed off in traumatic fashion. This was Transformers: The Movie (1986).
To help navigate through their childhood trauma, Sid and James welcome Cenate Pruitt, someone who can best be described as a "Transformers Scholar" as they go beyond the scope of a normal episode of Reels & Wheels to discuss not just the cars and the movie, but the far-reaching effects these toys had on our lives, the ins and outs of how they were brought to life in various forms, and some extremely cool behind the scenes stories about the movie.
How does the movie hold up after 30 years? When you strip away the parts that upset you as a kid, is it now fun to watch? And how about Orson Welles! Fat jokes aside, he was a cool guy in his final days. Listen and learn.
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