In the early 1970's, outlaw culture was at its height and car chase movies with jarring endings were all the rage - Like Vanishing Point and Two Lane Blacktop, Dirty Mary Crazy Larry is a chase movie with an outlaw protagonist, fueled by Detroit muscle.
James and Sid are joined by the Educated Redneck Dan Ellison, a touring comic who knows his cars and has plenty of insight about what life was like when this movie came out.
What was the true lesson of this movie? Are we supposed to root for the outlaw? And how about those cars - a sleeper Chevy Impala and a flamboyant Dodge Charger steal every scene in this movie.
Subscribe to Reels and Wheels on iTunes or Stitcher and leave us feedback! Follow @ReelsandWheels on social media and follow Sid (@SidBridgeComedy) and James (@S2KJames), too! Find Dan Ellison at, @educatedredneck.
Rarely do James and Sid agree that both a movie and its cars are awesome. When it comes to Death Race 2000, both hosts give it a thumbs up and that's pretty disturbing.
Death Race 2000 is Roger Corman's masterpiece of satire - poking fun at the dumbing down of society years before Idiocracy came about. Innocent people are killed with deadpan/slapstick comic timing and characters are ridiculous/off the wall.
And then there's the cars. Customizer Dick Dean goes all out to give us some of the wildest, personality-filled and unreliable cars ever filmed.
Why is this movie so amazing? Why didn't the cars run? Why should a car be an extension of your own personality? Is this movie for real?
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