Edgar Wright has created a masterpiece. This kick-ass car movie isn't just set to music... it's part of the music. Baby Driver goes a step beyond when it comes to car chase choreography and it's a car movie with great characters and plenty of fun easter eggs.
Ed Carden of The Pushers (owners of The Push Comedy Theater) once again joins James and Sid, this time to bring his expertise as a huge fan of Edgar Wright's work.
This movie is going to be a requirement for any car lover's collection. How confident was Edgar Wright in this movie? Pretty confident - the entire opening chase featuring a red Subaru WRX is available for free on YouTube.
How amazing was the choreography? What would your getaway car be?! Enjoy this episode of Reels and Wheels!
Find Ed Carden at the Push Comedy Theater - www.pushcomedytheater.com - we especially recommend you catch him during one of their legendary "Improvaggedon" shows!
Catch Sid @SidBridgeComedy and James @S2KJames on Facebook or Twitter. Subscribe to Reels and Wheels on iTunes or Stitcher and leave some feedback! @ReelsandWheels